Fucking clueless, can't even remember the chick's name
Fuck, listen up, dude, I got your back
Fuckin' mistake, dude, no audio, don't watch!
Fuckin' clueless, I don't know the director's name
Fuck, no one knows the girl or video name
Fucking clueless, no one knows her or the movie
Fuckin' clueless, no title or actress mentioned, duh
Fuck, no one's gonna see this tape, dude
Bro Buds Secret Fuck
Fuckin' audio fail, dude, we're startin' over
Fucking hell, I'm still clueless about business
Fucking hell, I learned nothing from this source
Get lost, dude, I'm sleeping, don't bother me
Fucking idiots, get your names in order, geez
Fuck, nobody knows the video name, dude
Some chick got busted for playing a dumb tune
Fuck, she's got a clueless boyfriend, dude
Fuck, girl gave dude clue for quickie
No clue about that chick's name, dude
Fucking clueless, get the girl's identity already!
Fuck, I'm stuck in a stupid lecture, dude
Fuck, no one knows this dude's name, yo
Fucked up, clueless sister doesn't know squat
Fuckin' secrets, dude, check the YouTube link
Fuckin' clueless, no title mentioned in the text
Fuck, no one knows the chick's name or vid
Fucking hell, no one knows what this crap means
Fucking idiots who can't keep secrets, period
Fucking clueless, no one knows the damn movie title
Fuckin' clueless, no one knows the damn scene name
Fuckin' clueless, no idea about that chick's name
Fuckin' clueless, I don't know that damn movie
Fuckin' clueless, gotta Google that video ho's name
Fake news, dude, don't buy this crap
Fuck, no idea what this is about, dude
Fucking clueless dude finally gets the hint, duh
Fuck, we know all your crap already, dude
This bunch of idiots got wasted after recording
Fucked up lady's got a clue, dude
Fuck, no one knows their name or has more vids
Fucking hell, I need a clue about the chick
Fuck, nobody knew her name, dude
Fuckin' mistake, no audio, don't watch, dude
Fucks get rich while oblivious, dude
Fuckin' clueless, no idea about the video's details
Fuckin' hell, no one knows the answer
Fuck me hard and get my attention, bro
Keep quiet and fuck!
From unknown to fuck buddy