We got laid at the crazy party that night
We got laid in the stairwell, damn it
I got laid in the car, dude
She finally got laid, no more awkward silence
She got laid on the balcony, dude
Got laid at my cousin's while her boyfriend waited
I got laid in front of an open door
Almost got caught sneaking sex in roommate's room
My step mom wasn't home, so I got laid
I got laid by two women suddenly
He got laid in front of his boyfriend
The dude got laid in three minutes, damn
I got laid bareback and came inside
I got laid in a hotel room
We got laid before someone arrived, damn
I got laid at a motel with friends
I Didn’t Expect To Have Sex In The Room Together...until I Passed Out
I got laid by my wife in the kitchen
The chick left for work, I got laid
We got laid after the party, dude
I got laid after thinking about my friend
I wanted to get laid for the first time
Got laid after party with hubby's buddy
I got laid on the floor, damn
I got laid that night, dude
We got laid in some dude's spare room
I got laid with a hot stranger in a bathroom
He got laid on the stairs on the first date
I didn't get laid for the first time
We got laid on the stairs, dude
We got high and went to get laid
I got laid with my cousin at a motel
We got laid at the motel after a movie night
He took the corridor to the motel and got laid
I got laid by my hot stepsis
I got laid after watching Friends with my neighbor
She got laid in the motel's garage, damn
I got laid by a chick that night
We got bored and went to get laid
We got laid at the mall, dude
We got laid at my friend's hubby's place
I didn't wait, had sex in the bathroom
I got laid at a abandoned house party
I got laid at the party, dude
We ended up getting laid in her bed
I got laid by my classmate after school
Two dudes got laid in the hallway
She got really turned on in the motel bathroom
Got laid on the first date, no need for a second
After partying with boy, got laid